Remember what kids always bring home with them after attending their friend's kiddie birthday party? That bag full of goodies like toys, candies and cookies? It's called a "loot bag" isn't it? Well, that is all I can think of with the bag full of grocery that I was able to bring back from our Malaysian trip. Before the trip, I really made a list of cooking ingredients, junk foods and other grocery stuff that I cannot find here in China and I was really bent on buying those in the grocery so Hubby had no choice.
groceries from KL
Aside from the groceries, I also made a sort of a bucket list of the Malaysian foods that I wanted to eat in Malaysia so I was very happy after ticking off all the items on my list. Mission accomplished!
As a kitchen enthusiast and an amateur cook, I also have a list of recipes that I really want to try to make myself. Long ago, when I've tried a nice blueberry cheesecake at a coffee shop in Cebu, I had already wanted to try to make it but I couldn't find an easy recipe to follow and much more I was not very resourceful enough to look for the ingredients.

Luckily, in January I was able to buy one box of buttercream cookies and there is an easy to follow cheesecake recipe printed on it. So finally, after buying the gelatin and vanilla extract in Malaysia (as part of my loot bag), I tried to make the cake today. I was also able to get fresh blueberries from the grocery yesterday for the topping. But because the berries had travelled all the way from Chile to China, they are really no longer that "fresh" so I decided to caramelize them instead.

The result is a very decadent blueberry cheesecake but unfortunately, it didn't harden enough probably because of the gelatin (I still don't know the exact reason but I'm planning to make another one soon to find out). The photo below is of the whole cake. I cannot get a decent slice of it so stay tuned for the next experiment...